Sunday, August 18, 2013

Keets and Chicks! Order 2

Our keets and chicks arrived on Friday mornings. This order came from Cackle Hatchery. My wife had to go retrieve them from the post office in the morning. The keets were a running bustle of tiny bodies! This is our first time with Guineas so we are very excited to enter into their little world. The hatchery was running a special on straight run hatcheries choice keets so we signed up and are quite impressed with the variety that has arrived. There are several of each including White Africans, Pearl Grays, Lavenders, and Royal Purples. I believe they will be quite a beautiful flock! [And my wife loves the color purple!] They are definitely a joy to watch, though they seem so delicate compared to the chicks. We did lose two so far for no explainable reason, but there was two extra. From what I have read this is not abnormal, due to their size and excitability. Here are some pics:

Our other chicks also arrived. They are WelsummerSpeckled Sussex, and Silver Laced Wyandottes. Unfortunately they were unable to add our Black Australorpes with this order so they will be arrived at a later time. They all are very healthy and active as well. I believe they are a bit older than 'day-old' because they seem larger and are showing feathers just like our chicks that arrived earlier in the week. Most likely they had to wait to be shipped to join the keets is what I am thinking. They are very beautiful chicks though, with very impressive colorings. Here they are:

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