In case you haven't guessed all this busy work getting together a fenced in run and building a house was in preparation for the arrival of the newest addition to the homestead. We have been long debating on how we would acquire a means of adding 'dairy' to our homestead, which gave us two options: Cow or Goat! Though I have nothing against cows, I think they require a lot of funds and storage space which we currently do not possess. Goats on the other hand are a more versatile option and one that would fit nicely within our current arrangements. A farmer down the road aways happened to have several available and we had been saving for this opportunity. We had to decide which route to take as he had some older goats available and several 6 month old kids. After doing our research and listening to advice, we decided to start fresh with the young ones - our hope is that we will be able to build a better bond with them and prepare the young does for milking with advanced training. The doeling was bottle-fed so is very apt for attention and is not shy in the least. The bucklings on the other hand are a bit skittish, but we are making great progress with this already. I think it helps that they watch her interacting with us. They will not let us touch them yet, but they will come and eat out of our hands. Here are some photos:
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